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Kata means "form" in Japanese, is a system of solo training that focuses in techniques and notions that have been developed and refined for centuries.
Goju Ryu Katas
1. Fukyugata Dai Ichi
White Belt/Yellow Stripe KIDS
2. Fukyugata Dai Ni
Yellow Stripe/Orange Stripe KIDS
3. Gekisai Dai Ichi
Yellow Stripe/Orange Stripe KIDS
4. Gekisai Dai Ni
Yellow Belt/Green Stripe KIDS
5. Saifa
Orange Stripe/Blue Stripe KIDS
6. Seiyunchin
Green Stripe/Brown Stripe KIDS
7. Shisochin
Green Belt/Black Stripe KIDS
8. Sanseiru
Blue Stripe
9. Sepai
Blue Belt
10. Kururunfa
Brown Stripe
11. Seisan
Brown Belt
12. Suparinpei
Black Stripe
Sanchin Green Belt
Tensho Black Belt
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